February 24, 2007 - Happy Birthday Grace!! I got invited to a birthday party at the Little Gym and boy did we have fun! Here's the whole gang. I thought you'd all like to see my belly... Here's Preston executing a perfect "seat drop". I give it a 10! I'm a big fan of birthday cake. Well, maybe just the frosting...
February 20, 2007 - Today was my last class in this gymnastics session. As a treat, we got to run around on the "Floor Exercise" mat like the big kids.
For being such a good gymnast, Ms Vicki gave me stamps. I'd like it right here, please.
February 14, 2007 - More snow and BRRRR is it cold! After another few rounds of shoveling (OK, I just hang out in the garage and supervise) we came inside and I got quite hot and stripped myself down to a onsie and my favorite Puma's. Check out those legs!
Then, mom got artsie with the camera. Do you think I should send these to Tyra?
February 14, 2007 - Here's some more snow shots from Powell. Total was about 7 inches of snow (on top of 3 inches we got last week) and 2 inches of ice. Even Dad got a day and a half off!
February 4, 2007 - I'd like to announce the arrival of Owen Gilkerson. Tiki, as I call him, came into the world weighing a respectable 8 lbs 9 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. He arrived just before the start of the second half of the Super Bowl, so we know he's destined for greatness! Please see Dillon's website for pictures of the cutie...
Way to go Kristy! We can't wait to have a playdate with the boys soon!
February 2, 2007 - if you're there for me too! I've had lots of visitors laterly. Ms Rebecca and her mom came to see me. We had lots of fun playing!
Megan, Matthew and their parents came to have dinner with us too. And, joy of joys, their mom read me one of my favorite books! Thanks for the entertainment Megan. You guys can come back anytime! Matthew, you can come too and drive the ATV around again if you PROMISE not to hit anymore walls!