Saturday, June 28, 2008

Meet Virginia

June 28, 2008 - It's vacation time! Dad's work was shut down this whole week so we made the best of it and headed to a "real beach" - as dad calls it - Virginia Beach. Right outside our hotel with the beach!

I'm still not a big fan of the waves, and the Atlantic Ocean waves are BIG! So, we made sure to hit the pool. Here's me perfecting my Cannonball.
Step 1 - Bend at the knees.

Step 2 - Jump as far as you can.

Step 3 - Get rewarded with Chocolate Ice Cream!

The Boardwalk on the Beach also had Surreys for rent and after a little coaxing, I got the courage to get on. "Chicks and Ducks and Geese better scurry, when I take you out in my surrey, when I take you out in my surrey with the fringe on top!" You sing!

One night while strolling on the boardwalk we found some art so we stopped for a photo-op.

I fell in love with the smiley face and had to give him a kiss every night.

We also visited the Virginia Aquarium and saw lots of fish.

McKenna Cousteau diving deep.

Our last night found us at Neptune's Park enjoying another free concert.

Bye sand. I'll miss you... But we promise to be back soon!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Under the Sea

June 17, 2008 - Grandpa and went to visit Aunt Melissa and they went to Disneyland. Aunt Melissa, being the Little Mermaid lover herself, picked out a beautiful princess costume. Now I'm a princess too!! Well, I always was, now I have the dress to prove it.

Thanks Grandpa and Aunt Mo!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Finally... (A dispatch from Mom)

June 10, 2007 - Mom's reporting in today. No pictures but I have to document this for all Potty Trainer's sake... I believe it's been mentioned recently that this potty thing has had it's ups and downs. The ups happen at school and home, the downs happen with #2 in the potty and public restrooms. We're still working on the public restrooms (although I think I may have that figured out too!) but #2 may have sorted itself out today.

Tonight at dinner, McKenna made the usual request, "Mom, I need a pull-up". Dedicated readers will know that indicates a BM is coming... I finally made the comment, "No more pull-ups; you can go in the big girl potty like everyone else!" and picked her up and set her on the potty. After several cries of "NO!" Dad came in and threw me out. Cool! He can deal with it! :)

Five minutes later, the door opens and a little voice calls, "MOM! I POOPED IN THE POTTY!!!". I did the potty dance and Dad is now affectionately known as THE POTTY WHISPERER. For $50/hour, he too can train your kid. We had to call Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Melissa to spread the good news.

What's the Potty Whisperer's secret, you might ask? A bribe of Strawberry ice cream. So, we loaded everyone up and headed out. McKenna was seated on daddy's shoulders in line - the place was packed. Finally our turn came and when the teenager behind the counter asked, "Can I help you?" McKenna quickly responded with a PROUD,



Potty training in a day? I don't think so!