Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It was the Monster Mash

Halloween, 2006 - Did you know if you look really cute on Halloween, they give you stuff! I didn't want to keep that candy in my bag! I got to go Trick or Treating at the Mall and at the Zoo! Here's a picture with me and "Claire Bear" and one of me in the petting Zoo. Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Go Speedracer, Go!

october 25, 2006 - Eat your heart out Danica Patrick!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Family, Friends, and Pumpkins

October 7, 2006 - Today we went to the local Pumpkin Farm where we met Rebecca and her parents, and Claire and her parents. We got to see lots of animals (I didn't like feeding them very much) and they had a box filled with corn that we could play in. To my sheer delight, they had a slide that led into the box; you can imagine how hard it was for me to leave that slide. However, I was happy to pick the perfect pumpkin and even offered to carry it to the car for dad. Darn these things are heavy!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Stop Thief!

October 6, 2006 - Mom thought I was helping her fold the laundry, and that was my MO to get my beloved Burpies away from her. My little red-haired cat, Bimmer (pronounced Beemer), was my accomplice. Bimmer, get the door. I'm so outta here...